Lettre #47: Ariane Moffatt

Salut, salut tout le monde!

Guess what? I was lucky enough to have visit two weekends in a row (if you recall last week’s letter, I went to the Farmer’s Market with my mother and my sister).

Ali est venue me visiter en fin de semaine! Yup, I did have a great weekend, Ali was here!

We had a barbecue with some friends, went to see a robot competition and design projects, had lunch with some other people, had a candlelight supper for Earth Hour, and Ali even made cupcakes for my birthday! She’s pretty awesome!

This week’s letter is to Ariane Moffatt, a wonderful French singer, writer, composer, musician, etc. Since it’s now exam mode (my first one is Thursday), I won’t have any visit in the next few weeks. Only Ariane in my ears and a pencil in my hand!

So on this note… here’s this week’s letter (you can click on the letter to have access to a bigger version)!

Bon dimanche!


Letter #46: Folks involved with St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market

Hey everyone!

This weekend, my little sister and my mother came to visit me in Waterloo. C’était vraiment super de les voir, merci beaucoup d’être venue! It was awesome to see them.

One thing that we did on Saturday morning was to go to the St. Jacobs Farmers’s Market. This is a great spot and a place we often visit when they come to see me!  Since I have spent close to a year in Waterloo (in periods of four months, with alternating coop terms spent elsewhere), I’ve decided that it was about time to send a letter to thank these people!

Happy Sunday!

Note: Burning the edges of the letter was my attempt at making this week’s letter more visually-appealing without having drawing skills.  The most noticeable result?   Making my roommates believe that the house was on fire.

Letter #45: Ellen DeGeneres

Hey everyone! Marc-André and I are both pretty busy. I’ve spent more than 9 hours in the library so far today, and he spent the weekend in Montreal, winning the Canadian Engineering Competition!

Aren’t you impressed? I mean, not everyone can spend nine whole hours in the library. But I’ve got an essay on Pope Gregory VII to write, so I do what I have to do. Even though we lost an hour of sleep last night. Remember back in the fall, I wrote a letter to the guy who invented the “fall back”, which gave us an extra hour of sleep. That rocked. Unlike losing sleep last night. But I’m very happy that we’ll have more hours of daylight now. Spring and summer are my favourites!

Other things that have been going on this weekend: I got to visit Marc when he was so close to Ottawa! We splashed through a bunch of puddles and I had a pretty great time! I also signed a lease for my apartment for next year, I’m so excited about living with my old roommate, my current roommate, and a new roommate starting in September 2011. They are some pretty awesome ladies (go back and read the letters!) and I think we’re going to have so much fun! And I’ve been writing essays up the ying-yang.

Alright, without further ado here’s the awesome letter, written by some of the Brownie leaders of the group I gave a workshop to a couple of weeks ago! Thanks so much for writing it ladies!

So, I’ll get back to writing my essay now! Have a wonderful week everyone, and keep checking the 365 petals page for Brownie and/or letters from l’école publique Franco-Nord!

Letter #44: Mr. Sutherland

Hi everyone! I’m in the library right now, sitting at the exact same computer station where Sending Petals was invented almost a year ago now! It doesn’t seem like that long ago, that Marc-André and I were both here, working on different parts of the website, comparing them with each other, and then eventually publishing a few pages! It’s fun to reminisce about the start of this project! Other things I’ve been reminiscing about are when we first started dating (because we had our own anniversary a couple days ago, whoo!), and about elementary school. Why elementary school? Because over the reading week I was asked to write a letter of recommendation for a former teacher of mine to receive a community award. And while I was writing the letter, I realized that he would be a perfect person to write directly too! Telling the city that he’s an inspiring man is one thing, but telling Mr. Sutherland directly would probably have a bigger impact. And that’s what Sending Petals is all about. So here’s this week’s letter! Wish me (and Marc-André) good luck on some midterms and engineering competitions and essay writing that we’ve got going on this week. And I wish you good luck (et bon success!) on whatever projects you’ve got going on!
xoxo, Ali