Letter # 21: Robyn the BOSS

Hey everyone!

Today’s post is short, cause the boy and I are in the same city (yay!). Which means I’m no longer living in Toronto.

As awesome as it is to be home, it was sad living the big city, especially cause it meant saying goodbye to some friends. One of the people who I’ll miss seeing daily is my boss Robyn. She rocked, and it was in large part due to her that I had such an amazing summer! Here’s the letter I wrote to her.
Have a wonderful week!

P.S. We got mail from a certain semi-celebrity we wrote to a few weeks ago. Look for a special post sometime this week!

Letter #20: The Blood Donor

Hi everyone!

We are already at the twentieth letter of Sending Petals. Even though we have been writing letters for months already, it seems that there is an infinite stream of people to thank around us and therefore an incredible amount of letters that still have to be written.

Last week, my mother, who is an incredibly strong person, had to have a blood transfusion due to severe anemia. She reacted by being happy that she now had an explanation for her constant lack of energy in the last while and by saying that at least she wasn’t vieille et paresseuse (old and tired) followed by a good laugh.

This week I therefore want to say thanks to her blood donor(s) and wrote them a letter to do so.

Merci aussi à toi maman d’être toujours positive, tu es pas mal géniale et prends soin de toi!

Thanks a lot for reading, and if you are interested in giving blood, don’t be shy to head to the Canadian Blood Services website to get started.  If you are not from Canada, a quick web search should also point you in the right direction.

Have a good week, and sorry for the late letter!

P.S. We really do want to thank everyone who does great things around us.  This is (fortunately) a pretty immense endeavour.  Don’t be shy to help us out a little bit by sending a few letters to great people around you.  Don’t forget to scan your letter and send us a copy at sendingpetals@gmail.com before you seal that envelope!

Letter #19: Adam and Ben

Hey everyone!

I haven’t been posting anything on the blog for a little while because I was wrapping up another term in Waterloo and writing final exams, so thanks to the girl for the great post in the last little while, she’s pretty awesome!  Today I’m back in Sudbury and I spent the day slowly unpacking my books and other belongings, catching up with my family (it was pretty great), and thinking a bit about the last four months of my life studying engineering in southern Ontario.

Thinking back, I soon realized that  my good memories were always tied to good friends, and I decided to write a letter to my two roommates, Adam and Ben!  So without further delay… here’s this week’s letter!

P.S. I decided not to try to draw anything on the letter and instead include an image of a nerf gun, because you both saw my (often miserable) attempts at drawing in drafting class last September.  Sometimes, simplicity (or a nerf gun…)  is the best option!

Friday the 13th

Hi everyone! Happy Friday the 13th.

Some people are superstitious about Friday the 13th. 

Some people don’t care or even notice when it’s Friday the 13th.

You may be wondering how these pictures are relevant to Friday the 13th.

 You see, the boy and I met on a Friday the 13th.

And he recently got me this gorgeous bouquet!

 So… boy + girl + Friday the 13th + testing out 14 million settings on my camera + sending petals = today’s post!



No letter this week. Instead I’ll list my three favorite gestures and the awesome people who gestured, from this weekend. Same idea, different format, I’m sleepy, work with me.

  1. My roommate: She rented a canoe for us!
  2. My co-worker: He let me use his oven to bake a cake and T.V. to watch Big Brother!
  3.  The boy: He bought a greyhound ticket to come see me… tomorrow!

So, my weekend rocked.  How was yours? Don’t worry, we’ll have a letter (maybe two!) posted next week. For now, my bed is looking too good to resist. Have a great week!

Letter # 18: Grete Hale

Hey everyone!

You should google Grete Hale. The woman’s incredible. Plus, she’s over 80! So cool. The letter shows you what Google can’t. She’s really personable and fun to be around and overall just great!

So that’s it for today! I’m going to a wedding (congrats M&M!) and Wonderland tomorrow! Wish the boy good luck on his exams this week! (Even though he’s brilliant and doesn’t need it!) Hope you have a wonderful week as well!!!

(Wow, so many exclamation marks!)

xoxo, the girl.