
Hi. I’m a boy. And I’m a girl. We’re in love. Cute, eh? Anyways, we have different interests that took us to different universities, that are in different cities that are miles and miles apart. Being miles and miles apart can get tricky.

Then one winter’s day, I got a letter in the mail. It made me happy. I only check my mailbox once in a while, and I mostly find pizza coupons and phone bills. It rocked to get a personalized letter, from someone who cared.

I, on the other hand, check my mailbox pretty compulsively. I subscribe to magazines and get invoices from the university, and my grandmother often sends religious paraphernalia. While it’s great to get magazines and all, there’s sometimes a vague sense of disappointment when there’s nothing exciting in the mail. A few months after I sent the boy a letter, long, long after it would have been appropriate for him to respond, it was an out-of-the-blue surprise when I opened my mailbox and he’d sent one back.

Letters that are written to you, (meant just for you!), they make you feel appreciated and awesome! Sure we email and text and call and skype, but getting a letter was rare, unexpected, and gave us warm feelings all over.

So, the moral of the story is…letters can bring people together and make ’em feel appreciated. A moral is no good if you don’t put it to use, so that’s how we got started with Sending Petals. We know a lot of awesome people and wanted to tell them how much we appreciate them. We wanted to send them something as special as they are, but, being students, we couldn’t afford flowers to go with our letters. Another moral from another story is: It’s the thought that counts. Our thought: Let’s call this project sending petals. So. You now know our roots. Become part of the stem!

We bet you know a lot of cool people too. Old teachers, and business owners, and friends that you lost contact with a while ago, but who really made a difference to you.

Keep exploring the website and write one of them a letter. Send them some petals.

4 comments on “Roots

  1. says:

    Hello, boy and girl!
    I am an Ottawa area blogger who was an avid letter writer in my childhood (30+ years ago) and into my teens and twenties. I actually lived during a time when email didn’t exist and letters were your only option for communication aside from phone calls. Anyway, I received maybe 1-2 letters per year up until this past June when I launched The Letter Writing Revolution blog. Now I receive 3-15 letters per week from all over the place. People that have never written letters are writing and people who have never received a letter in the mail are finding these paper pieces of happiness now in their mailboxes. I promote handwritten letters as opposed to typed ones but they suffice especially if poor penmanship is the only thing stopping you from writing to someone. I am going to be teaching workshops in Ottawa in the new year hopefully about letter writing. I will mention you in my blog post today.
    Visit me at:
    Keep it up!!!

    Julie Keon

    • Hi Julie!

      Thanks a lot for the kind words; it means a lot to us! First of all, I just had the chance to read your blog, and I want to thank you for such a beautiful post for your daughter’s birthday. The letters written by your family members were really touching, sweet, and inspiring, as letters should be! Say happy belated birthday to Meredith on our part from Toronto, and your city, Ottawa.

      It also seems that letter-writing and workshops go hand-in-hand! We started our blog last March and have been doing a few workshops in schools in Toronto and Ottawa since October. Best of luck with setting these up, they’re totally worth it is pretty rewarding to work with kids!

      All the best with all your projects and thanks again for your interest!

      The boy,

  2. Julie Keon says:

    Nice to hear from you. I assumed you were in Ottawa as a friend of mine told me about you. You had visited her son’s school. Good job!
    All the best!

    Julie at The Letter Writing Revolution

  3. Meagan McLavish says:

    Hi Ali and Marc-André!

    I just discovered your “Sending Petals”, and I’m truly amazed. What a simple idea, but one that makes a direct impact on the course of someone’s day. I love this initiative, and everything it stands for and encourages!

    You both are such amazing individuals, but you’re perhaps even more incredible together. You compliment each other so very perfectly.

    Your dedication to showing appreciation and gratitude reminds and inspires me to do the same.

    Thank you for your leadership. I’m honestly just blown away.

    Much love,

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