Letter #3: Ethical Ocean

This Sunday our weekly letter is sent to… the folks of  Ethical Ocean!

Fun Story #1: Sometimes you need to be resourceful to send a letter.  Especially when you can only find an email address under the contact information of the business you want to send a letter to (possibly to be expected when dealing with a web-based business).  Still, the letter was already written and I really wanted to send a petal to the people of Ethical Ocean, so I wrote a brief email explaining the project and my desire to obtain their postal address.   Less than twenty-four hours later (and this countdown started at about 2am…), I had an answer from Lena in Sending Petals’ inbox.  Now that’s good communication!

Also… to give you a bit of background information, Ethical Ocean is a team of 7 entrepreneurs who started a web platform selling ethical goods from Canada and all over the world.  They’re definitely worth checking out.

Fun story #2: My wonderful mother bought me a shirt from Ethical Ocean at Easter (I know I’m lucky…!).  If you want to see what I’m (most appropriately) currently wearing well simply follow this link!  For extra fun, you can even try to guess the color of the shirt before clicking.   Well that’s a fun story right?

Letter #2: Monica the piano teacher

Hi everyone! This week’s letter is to a special person who makes me happy. In other news, today I got a personal letter in the mail, from my Grandma! It’s the first letter I’ve received in a couple of months, it had newspaper clippings of stories Grandma thought I should be aware of and stories about her and my Grandpa and their adventures in Saskatchewan. It made my day. It’s kinda cool to know that I might have made Monica’s day too, when she got her letter.

Letter #2: Monica the piano teacher

Letter #1: Defiance, Ohio.

Defiance, Ohio is a town… and a band (that does not come from Defiance, Ohio).

Knowing where a band is from is especially important when you want to send them a letter.  The first letter sent by Sending Petals has been put in the mail slot today with the address of this band with honest lyrics and fearless music that has often made me dream.  Singing (ok I confess… mostly shouting) their lyrics out loud with a friend or listening to their wavelengths on a midnight bus, Defiance, Ohio has always managed to make me think, dream, and inspire me to start new projects.

So thanks Defiance, Ohio and here is your letter!

If you are interested to learn more about them, we invite you to go see their website.

Sending Petals: Defiance, Ohio