February’s pétal(e)s de février!


Okay so today’s letter isn’t really a letter…

It’s just some hearts in an envelope! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone, joyeuse Saint Valentin!

Ali & Marc-André


La lettre du jour, c’est la lettre de la semaine! Allez voir ça ici ou sur la page d’acceuil!

Bonne soirée!


Letter! xoxo, Ali

Awesome letter Adrian! Thanks for writing it!


Hey everyone, hope you had a great week. I did, and today was especially fun because I went grocery shopping, had a roommate dinner, wrote two articles, and chatted with the boy, who made me giggle lots!
Here is a letter:


Hi guys.
How are you? (Seriously. How are you? Answer in the comments! I want to get to know you, invisible readers.) I’m doing just fine. My classes were mostly fun today and I’m studying for a psych midterm which is very interesting stuff (Did you know that between the ages of 3 to around 6 or 7, you didn’t have the ability to understand conservation? That means that if you had two equal amounts of playdough in front of you, both rolled in the exact same ball shape, you would say they were the same size. Then, if you watched someone roll one of the balls into a snake shape, you would then say that the snake shaped one was bigger. For real. Even though you just watched the guy roll it out in front of your very own eyes. Here’s a cool video that shows the same principle with a different experiment:
So cool eh? And isn’t the girl with the quarters and crackers adorable? If you have a 5-year-old person in your life, you should definitely do this with them. It’s crazy! Also crazy: I typed a lot before putting up a letter, but yay here it is:

Two of my favorite colors!


Hi here’s a letter for you folks while I’m on a break from work after being at a meeting after being at work after being in class after writing an essay after going to the gym after making my bed after waking up. How was your day?

Such an awesome letter Emily! I'm a fan of exclamation marks!!!


Happy Monday folks! If you read yesterday’s post and my letter to Martha, you’ll know that I was up at 6:50 this morning. And I made it to the gym by 7:00am. I am pretty much a champ. Most days I’m not even done dreaming until 10:00am. Today I had already had breakfast, a shower, and a whole class on linguistics!

Anyways! Enough about me, more about the letter I’m posting. It’s really cute! And I’m running out of letters, but don’t worry… there are more workshops in the making! And a comment contest starting on Wednesday over on the homepage. Exciting stuff happening folks. Very exciting! Like this letter:

I did go and make him write that letter! Hope his friend Damian appreciated it!

278 & 277

Two letters! They are lovely! I am tired, and was up until 5am last night! (Dancing and reading… crazy lifestyle I live) And I have to wake up super early to do laundry tomorrow! So I am going to bed. Goodnight!



Have a great night!

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